
zhong posted @ 2008年4月05日 08:43 in Gentoo with tags 磁盘存储 MBR , 2016 阅读

引导扇区(Boot Sector)

磁盘的第一个扇区,总共512个字节(Byte),由MBR(Master Boot Record)、DPT(Disk Partition Table)和Boot Record ID三部分组成。



Boot Record ID-引导记录标记,占用引导扇区2个字节(0x1FE~0x1FF),对于合法的引导区,它等于0xaa55,这是判别引导区是否合法的标志。

Junior Certificate R 说:
2022年8月30日 21:01

Bangladesh Education Board DPE has conducted the class 8th grade of Junior School Certificate Exam and Junior Dakhil Certificate Exam on 1st to 15th November 2022 at all centers in division wise under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and the class 8th grade terminal examination tests are successfully conducted for all eligible JSC/JDC students for the academic year of 2022. Junior Certificate Result Sylhet Board The Bangladesh government Minister of Secondary Education is going to announce the JSC Result 2022 in student wise for division students in education board wise, and the result documents will be submitted to the Prime Minister of the country after then the result with mark sheet will be announced to public to check the individual result.

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